about me

Gerhard Bottermann

Multimedia artist, 3D generalist, and 2D motion graphic designer

Fascination for Film & Computer Technology

“Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back” influenced my career path very early on. When I first watched this film on a VHS cassette at the age of eleven, I knew that someday I would work in this industry. The fascination for film and computer continues to this day. As an expert in animations and visualizations, I face exciting new challenges every day – whether I am creating objects, landscapes, or whole worlds and bringing them to life.

My Philosophy & Working Style

I treat others the way I would like to be treated – with respect and appreciation. Customers and partners appreciate my creative passion and strong commitment. They trust my expertise and relevant experience. My working style is precise, reliable, and swift – this allows fellow employees to keep up with tight deadlines without any burden.

Educational training & job experiences

1995 – 2000

HTL-Mödling (College of Interior Construction)

2001 – 2004

worked in various carpentry shops as a carpenter

2004 – 2005

Training at the SAE Institute Vienna (Digital Animation)

2005 – 2021

Employed at various agencies

seit 2021

Independent 2D/3D generalist

Awards & Milestones

Software in use

Your Benefits at a Glance

  • More than 17 years of experience in 2D/3D animation and 3D visualization
  • Specialized training in digital animation
  • Strong spatial awareness
  • A keen sense of timing in animation
  • Precise, reliable, and swift working style
  • Professional collaboration with agencies and companies